

I have always gravitated towards businesses and brands that are up to something which is how I found myself at Unilever for over 20 years leaving the role of Global Vice President for Natural Skincare to go to be the CMO for REN CleanSkincare. Since setting REN CleanSkincare on the path of being Clean to Skin.Clean to Planet I now get my kicks working for challenger, often founder led, brands looking to sharpen their story and harness its power to create excitement and ultimately growth in the market place.


Collaboration: working together not only helps shape the best journey but it also ensures all are bought into the solution.

Honesty: in striving to differentiate ourselves honest, frank exchanges are key.

Courage: to do the right thing, to make a difference means challenging the norms.

Friendship: to always have time for people, to hear their stories and answer their questions.